Monday, 30 November 2015

How We Felt Our Filming Went - Lola & Niamh

Our filming started off really well , everyone was concentrating and focused. With practice we were able to synchronise the actresses steps into the beat of Hollaback girl which is the song we used in or film. We have thought a lot about how we will conduct our framing and out shot types. However half way through filming in Owens field the fire alarm went off which delayed our filming because the whole college had to evacuate the building into Owens field. This made us lose a bit of focus as we were all separated and some of us got distracted by our friends. We did take advantage of people leaving the building because we thought it would be a good opportunity to film them which would fit well with out film. We soon got back on track and filmed at Camden Passage which is a 10 minuet walk form college. Whilst filming in public it is hard to judge what will happen , for example when we was filming our location shots someone got in the camera and was messing about, this meant we has to refill the shot and ensure that no one will ruin it. We are still yet to continue to film as we are waiting on a student to turn up for filming.

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