Sunday, 8 November 2015

Risk Assessment - Natalya

Description of Hazard
Associated risk
How the risk can be reduced
Action to take
Anxiety panic attack
It is possible for a member in our group to suffer an anxiety panic attack as there is a lot of pressure from media grade expectations.
Symptoms of anxiety attacks include: heart palpitations, sweating, shaking, a 'smothering' sensation, a feeling of choking, chest pain or discomfort, nausea.
However, in more severe cases the attacks can be life threatening, creating metal health problems.
To reduce the risk of an attack happening, we can ask each member in the group their previous medical history, so that we can be aware of the likelihood of it happening and be prepared for it.   
High risk.
One of the people in our group suffers from the condition. If this happens during filming, we will stop filming and help the member out by calming the person down.
 If it becomes more severe, the group can assist them to college where there will be a medical assistant.
Electrical Hazard
During the practical, water may interfere with the camera equipment. By applying water to the electricity current, water will conduct electricity and threat a potential hazard. 
An electric shock may occur. Depending on the amount of current passing, the fatality will be due to I = V / R. However in some cases death may occur.

To reduce the risk of electrocution, wet hands must not touch the camera equipment at any time. Also, as the location of the film is being produced outdoors, it would be appropriate to check the BBC weather forecast in advance, so if it rained, umbrellas would be compulsory to protect the potential hazard and the expensive equipment. 
High risk.
As the production is taking place in London, it is likely to rain and if electrocution happens then someone should call 999 immediately for help. 

Broken glass
If the glass is broken from the prop we are using that contains glass (a pair of glasses) it can cause cuts and may increase chances of infection.
Can cause severe bleeding if the edge of the sharp glass is touched with skin.

To be extra aware of responsibility of holding the glasses. However, for practical reasons, avoid touching   the broken edge of the glass.

Low risk as it is highly avoidable by placing a warning sign. However damage caused by potential incident can be bandaged by a first aider. No attempt should be made to remove broken glass from wounds.
If glass is broken from the glasses then follow these steps:
       1)  Remove broken glass using gloves
     2) Place broken pieces of glass into a dustbin
3) Alert everyone else of incident, in case there are still pieces of glass on surface

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