Friday, 6 November 2015

Media Magazine Confrence on the 5/11/15

At the Annual Media Conference 2015, I was introduced to 5 Guest Speakers;
  • Bill Thompson,
  • Prof. Natalie Fenton,
  • Rob Waston,
  • Regina Moriarty,
  • and Owen Jones.
All of whom were extremely enjoyable to watch, and to engage with, and I feel like I came away from it with my eyes opened
Out of all the speakers, I feel like Rob Watson really resonated with me, as he talked about things that are relevant to my coursework; i.e.. mission statements, and "production nightmares". Here is one of his works, a trailer for a short film called Strays with Richard Madden, who has previously starred in Game Of Thrones, and Cinderella

Watson spoke about mission statements, and this made me think that if there was a problem within the group, we should each write a mission statement to come up with a negotiation to solve the problem maturely. 

Secondly, he gave 10 tips he'd wish he'd known as a student. These were;

  1. Be humble, you're not as smart as you may think. 
  2. You're more important that you think.
  3. You need to take care of yourself.
  4. don't be afraid to ask people; they're normally very approachable, and kind.
  5. Do your research - tell the company why you're passionate and think you should work with them.
  6. Dont be afraid to leave to make yourself happy.
  7. It is a SMALL industry
  8. competition is fierce, stand out, and take opportunities 
  9. Congratulate others, it will make you a better person.
  10. Well told, heartfelt stories are usually the good ones.
Finally, he mentioned risk assessments as part of a crucial thing when it comes to filing, and I will take advantage of this advice, and plan to do a risk assessment when it comes to filming. I think our group should be aware of the dangers which we could encounter when we film in public.

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